Many resources have been consulted throughout the process of seeking to determine the origins of Moses Moore and the identities of his descendants. Chief among the source materials is the data found in various census records. Occassionally, I have had to rely upon abstracts made by other editors and researchers, but where possible, I have consulted microfilm copies of the original censuses. Originally, my research was concerned primarily with the origins and descendants of my great-great-grandfather, John Moore. It soon became apparent that Moses was likely his father and that Hiram, William, Nancy, and Moses Walker Moore were probably his siblings. Until late 1999 I had no inkling of what became of William after 1850. Additional information was also gathered concerning other siblings--Rebecca, Thomas W., James Walker, Mary, and Elizabeth. As the pool of data increased, it became necessary to divide the material into several files. The first file contains abstracts relating mainly to Moses and lines of descent through John, Moses Walker, Hiram, and Nancy. However, the reader will also find some information which pertains to various other lines. The file also contains abstracts of records for various Moores who may or may not have been related Moses. Other files tend to focus more on the descendants of a particular child of Moses (e.g., James Walker Moore, William Moore, etc.). Again, one will find that because these families were sometimes living near each other, there is necessarily some overlapping of families in the files. As with the first file, these files also include some persons whose relationship (or lack of relationship) to our Moores is unknown at present. |